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 What is hope?

Our hope is grounded in our faith in the character of God. Since the the first words He spoke in the beginning, He has proven to be the author of good. And when sin and evil entered the good, God’s response was one of love and redemption. By sending His only Son to earth, He emptied Himself and willfully experienced more pain and suffering than any of us ever will. Why? Because of His great love for us. That great love invites us into His family as adopted sons and daughters and into eternal life in the light of His goodness and presence. Where no tears are and where no sorrow can dwell.

Story after story, we’ve seen hope displayed in God’s character. His goodness. His knowing how we feel and what we need. His presence in the dark days. His life. God is good, and our hope in Him is strong, secure, and real.

We recognize that if you are walking through hardship, it can be hard to see the goodness of God and that the topic of hope may be sore. Maybe you’ve been disappointed in hoping for something or hurt by a loved one. As we share about stories of hope in Him, we are also committed to addressing some tough questions. The good news is that God invites us to get to know Him better, and that is a worthy pursuit that doesn’t disappoint.


Hope is…
