Happy Thanksgiving: A Note of Encouragement from helloHOPE

helloHOPE Thanksgiving

The last few weeks I have been thinking about how lavish God is. Truly, He holds nothing back from His children. God is not stingy. Psalm 16 says, “Indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” What is that beautiful inheritance? It’s the riches of heaven made available to us. His light and love made alive in us. His hope and peace made real in our hearts.

As we go into Thanksgiving this week and usher in the holiday season, I know there are some of us whose hearts are burdened. Maybe there’s an empty place at your table this year, perhaps you or your loved one is facing a difficult diagnosis, or maybe you are feeling like your family is going to miss out on the joy of the season this year because of the circumstances you are going through. 

If that is you, God will fill you with His peace that surpasses all understanding when you ask Him. He knows our thoughts and has felt every hurt. He comforts us in our pain and questioning, and He gives us His Spirit to help us feel and know His presence. Every spiritual blessing is available to us as God’s children.

As we lay hold of that blessing, our inheritance, something shifts. The grief, pain, and questions don’t go away, but something else comes, too. Christ’s love floods our hearts and He actually picks up our burdens for us. In place of their weight, we are given His light and His hope. Looking through our circumstances through the lens of hope, we find strength that sustains and hope for a bright future. That is our prayer for each of you this week:

May your Thanksgiving be filled with strength, gratitude, and hope.

~The helloHOPE team

-Psalm 16:6; Philippians 4:7; Psalm 139:2; 2 Corinthians 1:3-4; Romans 8:26; Ephesians 1:3; 1 Peter 5:7-

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