A Prayer for Encouragement

Along every stage of a medical journey, encouragement can go a long way. With the ups and downs that we experience, each day carries its own struggles and challenges. We are praying with you — that you will be lifted up in just the way you need today.

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Lord Jesus, there are days when the reality of our broken world — hurt, disappointments, and sickness — can make it seem like we’re alone. Especially in seasons when it feels like we’re walking through a dark valley, we need Your light.

Thank You, Jesus, for walking this earth and for experiencing the brokenness of our world so that You can meet us in compassion and empathy in times when we feel down. We know that in times when we don’t know what to pray that Your Spirit is interceding on our behalf. When we are weak, You become our strength. We ask for You to strengthen every person in the helloHOPE community that is feeling weak, alone, discouraged, or down.

Today, we ask that Your light of encouragement would dawn on us. As we reflect on who You are, we praise You for being the same yesterday, today, and forever — no matter what life throws our way. Let the truth of Your character wash over us and lift our spirits.

You are the God of all comfort when we hurt.

You are the Prince of Peace when we feel anxious.

You are the Lord of Hosts when we feel alone.

You are the Good Shepherd when we feel lost.

You are our strong tower when we feel battered by the storm.

You are our joy when we feel discouraged.

Lord Jesus, we pray that You will show Your faithfulness to this community and that You will lift our countenance. Even now, remind us of Your presence and the fact that You rejoice over us with singing and dance over us with joy. We ask for Your perfect love to quiet our hearts and for Your courage to well up in us.

You’ve promised that You will never leave or forsake us. You say that nothing is too difficult for You, and we know that Your Spirit is alive and at work in us. So we stand on Your promises and we lean on Your strong name. We love you, Jesus! Amen!

- Isaiah 40:31; Proverbs 18:10; 2 Corinthians 1:3-4; John 14:27; Psalm 118:14-16; Zephaniah 3:17 -