A Prayer of Thanks

helloHOPE Community Prayers: Prayer of Thanks

One of the things that we are incredibly thankful for in this community is you. From medical staff to parents to friends and family, the work that this community does to hold onto hope is beautiful. Today, this is our prayer of thanks.

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Lord, we come before you with humble hearts and thankful hearts for the people that you have given to the medical community. Thank you for the nurses, doctors, technicians, therapists, teachers, staff, and more who are gifted with incredible discipline and dedication to their field. Thank you for the sacrifices and ways they give to and serve their patients. Thank you for those who take the time to listen when needed and who give themselves to studying the latest in their field. These subject matter experts hold so much of the information that we will need to digest. Give them your insight and wisdom!

Thank you, too, for the families who are walking through medical adversity with hope. Thank you for the light they are to our community. We are inspired by their love and are renewed when we see them traversing their path without being ruled by fear. Their commitment to continue to show up each and every day speaks volumes of their character and their love for their children. Their light and joy fills us with hope!  Their faith, peace, and hope shows us that we can make it through our struggles, too.

We are grateful for the way you are moving in our community! In Jesus' name, Amen.