A Prayer for Today

helloHOPE Community Prayers: A Prayer for Today

As we walk through a journey with a diagnosis, it’s hard not to focus on events of the past and worries of the future. We hope this prayer for today is a help as you face the things that today holds. You are not alone, and your story matters.

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Thank you, God, for knowing our circumstances, our thoughts, and our emotions. Thank you for being involved in both the significant and insignificant moments in our day. And thank you for your promises that never fail.

In our circumstances, we ask for Your Spirit to lead and guide us. We ask that You would show us where You are in everything that happens today. There is truly no place we can go apart from You, and from peaceful moments to stressful moments, we know you are near. Thought our physical circumstances can make us forget about Your truths and the spiritual reality of who we are in You, help us to live today in full view of who You say we are.

In our thoughts, we ask for You to be on the throne. Our thoughts can carry us to regrets of the past or worries about the future, and we ask that You would keep us securely in the present reality of Your grace. When our thoughts turn into a swirling storm, be the voice that brings stillness. When our thoughts are confused, give us the clarity and wisdom we need.

In our emotions, we ask for You to make us whole. When we feel anxious, remind us of Your provision. When we feel angry, give us truth, clarity, and peace. When we feel sad, be our comfort and help us to dwell on Your beauty. When we feel happy, help us remember Your faithfulness. You are Lord over our emotions, so help us to submit completely to You.

Please give us the grace to give each moment to You and to seek You with our whole hearts. You have shown yourself faithful time and time again, and we pray that You would give us a deeper view into the truth of who You are today.

We love You, and we need You today.


- Romans 8:38-39; Psalm 27:1; Proverbs 3:5-6; Philippians 4:6-7; Isaiah 43:2; James 5:13 -